July 20, 2012


Posted in Uncategorized at 11:15 am by Emilia Philips

I think I need to declare the death of this blog.  The jury is still out on starting another one; input welcome.  My tendency to become obsessed with blog analytics suggests this might be a bad idea, but I am tempted.  I leave with a few scraps that I found in this blog account as drafts of started posts:

Mourning the Subjunctive

Driving home amidst the annual Christmas commercialism, I noticed a billboard that read, “If only Santa knew it was this easy.” *Sigh* It should read, “If only Santa knew it were this easy.” This is because conditional sentences (“if” sentences) should employ the subjunctive tense.

Sad Camel, Happy Movie

Perhaps fitting with my penchant for reading all the magazines that arrive in the mail, I like to watch the previews that come before the movies on DVDs.  Often, the random selections end up on our Netflix queue, which has been ebbing and flowing with movies for over a year now.  One of the more eclectic titles landed on our porch this past weekend: The Story of the Weeping Camel.  We might have found this title on the preview to Millions, but I am not sure exactly how it came to our list. [I never finished the review, and my memory of the movie is now reduced to some funny images of camels and odd music.]

The Comma and the Second Amendment

I found this posting recently [4 years ago! the link still works!] chronicling the interpretations of commas in the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms).

And there was a post titled “Willa Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop,” which was probably going to be a book review of this title that I read with my now-dissolved book club. [I remember that book.  He dies at the end.  (Sorry for the spoiler.)]

So there are some random thoughts from the past. If I were writing a new blog post, it would probably be about how the chickens refused to go to bed last night without a snack.

1 Comment »

  1. Prawnik said,

    Delighted to see your latest entries! If you’re so inclined, I think a continuation of this blog or perhaps another (combining notes from the farm, the academy, the law, culture, and writing?) would be grand. We could brainstorm on some fun names.

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