February 20, 2008

A Sentence Out of Context

Posted in Literature, Reading, Writing at 9:47 pm by Emilia Philips

I read this sentence last night and thought it worth sharing. If I am reading carefully, I try to be alert for well-tuned sentences, which are fun to collect even though more cumbersome than words.

I have a passion for writing on clean single-lined foolscap; a smear, a tea-mark on a page makes it unusable, and a fantastic notion took me that I must keep my paper locked up in case of an unsavory visitor.

Graham Greene, The End of the Affair. I suspect a few others out there might be reading this one too these days . . . . Foolscap, by the way, refers to paper that is 8 1/2 by 13 1/2 inches. More information on it can be found here.

February 12, 2008

Why Every Business Needs Employees With A Decent Liberal Arts Education

Posted in Literature at 12:01 am by Emilia Philips

To avoid problems like this.  A store unwittingly marketed a child’s bed under the name “Lolita,” title of the infamous 1955 novel by Vladimir Nobokov.  Once notified, the naive store employees turned to, of all sources, Wikipedia, to verify the problem.  *Sigh*

Kudos to any commenter for proposing other potential marketing snafus.  Linens by Iago? Fur coats by Aslan?